Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pinarayi Mahane Ninakku Vendi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kerala Politicis

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Water and Health
Improved health
Water is crucial for many bodily functions: It helps to sustain blood volumes while retaining energy levels. In correct amounts water improves concentration and reaction time, during exercise in particular. Water increases the number of calories you burn during regular daily activities. Water can prevent stomach upset caused by concentrated medicines. Water helps the body get rid of excess sodium that could cause the accumulation of liquids.

Better protection against certain illnesses
Tests show a possible connection between a high water intake and reduced risk of, for example, colds, constipation, kidney stones, urinary tract infections and bladder cancer.
Improve your looks
Not giving your body enough water shows on your skin, which becomes dry causing wrinkles and chapping. So make sure you drink enough water to keep your skin smoother, more elastic and less wrinkly!
Lose weight
We often mistake thirst for hunger pangs and nibble at snacks when the body actually needs water. By drinking water you feel full up and your hunger pangs diminish.

Nearly all bodily functions such as blood pressure, liver, kidneys, limbs and digestive system need water to function in the best possible way. Our bodies consist of around 70 percent water.

There is a difference of opinion regarding the amount of water we should drink a day. Some say we should drink up to two litres of water or liquid a day; others say you should listen to your body and only drink water when you are thirsty. In hot climates you have to drink before thirst sets in to avoid dehydration. When it is hot outside it is better to drink room temperature or warm water because the body absorbs it more easily.

Water cannot be replaced by coffee, tea or soft drinks. Coffee and alcohol have a dehydrating effect.

Your body loses liquid when you have a cold. Drink water to avoid dehydration. When you exercise it is important to drink liquid. You could lose up to a litre of liquid during a one-hour training session so it is vital to fill up. Experts recommend drinking before, during and after a training session to avoid dehydration.

Why is Health so Important?

Are Americans in good shape? Not really! Thirty percent of the American population is obese and the number keeps rising. Each year more and more people are packing on the pounds as they put their ready made meals in the oven, drive to work and come home and watch television. Good health is of major importance in the world of dating and the world of work. Healthy people look good. The more healthy you are the more attractive you become. When your skin tone is right, your hair neatly groomed, your physique in proportion and your body fat is low, people will naturally find you more attractive. Attractiveness is just behind personality in the importance of appealing to members of the opposite sex. There is nothing wrong with calorie counting. As a matter of fact, we Americans eat too many fat calories. The average man should not have over 2,500 calories a day. That is assuming that you are engaging in a reasonable amount of physical labor and exercise. The more calories you eat and don't burn the larger your pants size becomes. Why do people find someone attractive? The reasons lie deep in our psychological and biological make up. Why we find someone attractive is based upon our biological urges to reproduce and our psychological urges to feel special. In general an attractive woman or man is someone who appears to be physically fit (biological) and of interest to many people (psychological). Health also has some tertiary benefits such as increasing our energy level, increasing our psychological outlook (ego) and helping us to live longer. These benefits cannot be ignored as one of the fundamental reasons why we want to lose weight and become healthier. Psychologically we feel alive as people show us interest and actually find us attractive. As they glance, smile and show us attention we feel as though we are someone special. Likewise as we lose weight we begin to feel more alive. Our energy level is increasing and we are feeling great about ourselves. Of course, we also can't neglect the fact that if we are healthy we will also be able to enjoy our youth much longer than people who are unhealthy.

Tap water - Why is so danger
Bacteria and viruses
Water pipes house billions of bacteria and viruses in layers of sediment and sludge. When released in small numbers, they are instantly killed by the chlorine in the water, but when lumps of sludge are ripped off by pressure changes in the pipes, there is not enough chlorine and it could cause intestinal disorders or more serious ailments.
Chlorine is a very efficient poison that normally kills all bacteria and viruses in your tap water. In order to be on the safe side and to make the chlorine last until the end of the pipe network, water utilities may sometimes add too much chlorine.
When chlorine breaks down bacteria, trihalomethanes, such as chloroform, trichloroethylene, bromoform, dibromochloromethane, and bromodichloromethane are formed. As long as water plants continue to use chlorine to eradicate bacteria, drinking water will always contain some trihalomethanes.
Health risk research
Read about the
research into the health risks of trihalomethanes in drinking water.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Research - Tasty Food Activates (am very hungry)...

Just Expecting A Tasty Food Activates Brain Reward Systems

ScienceDaily (July 31, 2009) — Research to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB) shows that exposing rats to a context associated with eating chocolate activates a part of the brain’s reward system known as the orexin system. This finding helps explain why eating can be triggered by environmental cues even in the absence of hunger. The results have implications for the development of new drug treatments for overeating.

The rate of obesity continues to rise within the United States and abroad, and over-consumption of tasty food is an obvious culprit. Little is known regarding how palatable foods affect the brain, but it seems that especially tasty foods elicit brain responses similar to those elicited by drugs of abuse such as cocaine and nicotine, pointing to a general involvement of the brain’s “reward” system.

A common factor may be activation of orexin neurons in the brain, which are recruited during of rewards such as a tasty food or a dose of cocaine. “Our research program is focused on identifying brain systems that are activated by palatable food intake. The hypothalamic orexin system is known to promote wakefulness and arousal; however, it is now clear that this system also participates in the regulation of reward-related behaviors, including overconsumption of palatable foods,” says Derrick Choi, lead author. Because reward anticipation is a contributing factor to relapse to drug use, Choi hypothesizes that orexin is an ideal candidate system that may underlie the rewarding aspects of eating highly palatable foods, which clearly can lead to obesity.

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See the police!!







"At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst"

- Aristotle

New Excellent Ads for No Smoking!

You have two choices in life:You can stay single and be miserable, or get married and wish you were dead.

At a cocktail party, one woman said to another, "Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?""Yes, I am. I married the wrong man."

A lady inserted an ad in the classifieds: "Husband Wanted".Next day she received a hundred letters.They all said the same thing:"You can have mine."

When a woman steals your husband,there is no better revenge than to let her keep him.
A woman is incomplete until she is married. Then she is finished
A little boy asked his father,"Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?"Father replied, "I don't know son, I'm still paying."

A young son asked,"Is it true Dad, that in some parts of Africaa man doesn't know his wife until he marries her?"Dad replied, "That happens in every country, son."

Then there was a woman who said,"I never knew what real happiness was until I got married, and by then, it was too late."

Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.

If you want your spouse to listen andpay strict attention to every word you say -- talk in your sleep.

Just think, if it weren't for marriage, men would go through life thinking they had no faults at all.

First guy says, "My wife's an angel!"Second guy remarks, "You're lucky, mine's still alive."

"A Woman's Prayer:Dear Lord, I pray for: Wisdom, To understand a man , to Love and to forgive him , and for patience, For his moods. Because Lord, if I pray for Strength I'll just beat him to death"


Husband and wife are waiting at the bus stop with their nine children. A blind man joins them after a few minutes. When the bus arrives, they find it overloaded and only the wife and the nine kids are able to fit onto the bus. So the husband and the blind man decide to walk. After a while, the husband gets irritated by the ticking of the stick of the blind man as he taps it on the sidewalk, and says to him, "Why don't you put a piece of rubber at the end of your stick? That ticking sound is driving me crazy." The blind man replies, "If you had put a rubber at the end of YOUR stick, we'd be riding the bus, so shut the hell up."

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu, Nepal

: Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu, Nepal

The Pashupatinath Temple complex is considered to be the most sacred Shiva temple in Nepal. It is located on the shore of the Bagmati river on the eastern part of Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal.
Pashupatinath literally means "Lord of creatures", and is one of the names of Lord Shiva. According to the mystical legends (Puranas), Shiva grew tired and looked for a sanctuary to rest. He found the Kathmandu valley, and lived there amongst the creatures, until he was forced out of hiding by the other Gods who needed his help.
It is the most preferred place for the Nepalese to conduct funerals. It draws millions of pilgrims every year, from Nepal, India and other parts of the world.
Recently, the temple was the centre of a controversy with the avowedly atheist Maoist led government of Nepal trying to appoint their own priests and take control of the temple finances. The Maoists backed down (temporarily at least) due to popular outrage.

Courtesy: Hindu Voice UK.



Drinking is Equal to Doing YOGA


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Sunday, September 27, 2009